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Research Resources

Tools to help build safer, more equitable water resources with a focus on public health.



EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool


Data layers on water infrastructure, hazards, and public health vulnerabilities in Coastal Georgia. Pulls data from the Georgia Public Health Department.

NOAA SLR Viewer Screenshot

NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer

View different scenarios depending on the level of Mean Higher High Water forecasted in the future.

NFWF CREST Tool Screenshot

National Fish and Wildlife Federation Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool (CREST)

CREST is used to make informed decisions about the siting of coastal restoration and resilience projects.

USEPA Underground Storage Tank Finder

Underground Storage Tanks are often a source of groundwater and well water pollution when maintenance is neglected.

Private Domestic Well Map

USEPA Private Domestic Well Map

This map details Private Domestic Wells by census track across the United States.

CAFOs in Georgia

CAFOs in Georgia

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations can be a source of drinking water pollution and runoff if not operated properly.

Last updated: 6/13/2022