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Internal Approvals

The PI should move forward to internal approval as early as possible.  Internal approval can be initiated after the PI has the following items: (1) grant coordinator-reviewed budget and aligned budget justification, (2) project summary, and (3) signed Institutional Commitment Form (if any institutional commitments).  The grant coordinator will upload all of these documents to the electronic grant file in preparation for internal approval routing.

The grant coordinator will send two templated emails associated with this process.  Before initiating approval routing, the grant coordinator will send the PI an approval initiation Email.  An affirmative PI response allows the internal approval process to move forward.  After approvals (aside from final administrative review of the full proposal package) are completed, the grant coordinator sends the PI an approval notification email. 

Early approval will allow the PI dedicated time to work on the project description and other project components.  If budgetary changes arise after approval, reach out to your grant coordinator for assistance.  It is likely that minor revisions can be accommodated, but major revisions may require a new internal approval process.

Last updated: 6/29/2021