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Tom Szaky–Sustainability Seminar & Entrepreneur Lecture Series Speaker

Tom Szaky, co-founder and CEO of TerraCycle, will be the keynote speaker for the Center for Sustainability (CfS) and Business Innovation Group’s 2016 Sustainability and Entrepreneur Lecture Series on Thursday, April 7 at 7 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center.

TerraCycle is an international leader in the collection and repurposing of post-consumer waste. On a yearly basis the company collects and repurposes billions of pieces of waste from more than 23 countries. TerraCycle generates millions of dollars of donations for schools and charities.

“As a young and well-known green entrepreneur, Tom Szaky is an excellent addition to our ongoing Sustainability Seminar series. He has completely re-conceptualized ‘waste’ and has turned the repurposing of trash into a highly profitable business,” said Lissa Leege, CfS director.

Since the company’s founding in 2001, Szaky and TerraCycle have collected more than 100 awards acknowledging their work from organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations and the World Economic Forum. Additionally, Szaky is a well-known international public speaker, producer and star of reality television show “Human Resources.” He has authored two books, Outsmart Waste and Revolution in a Battle.

“We are very excited to partner with the CfS for this year’s Entrepreneurship Lecture,” said Dominique Halaby, director of the Business Innovation Group. “Tom Szaky embodies both entrepreneurial principles and sustainable practice principles. His lecture presents us with another exciting opportunity to show our students that it’s possible to make money while making the world a ‘greener’ place.”

The Entrepreneur Lecture Series was developed by the Center for Entrepreneurial Learning and Leadership as a way to showcase the entrepreneurial spirit. This lecture series plays a great role in helping to harness and grow an innovative culture in the region.

Szaky’s presentation is a part of the Center for Sustainability’s seminar series. Since 2008, the series has featured nationally and internationally recognized leaders in sustainability. Attendance verification will be provided for students.


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